Al-Aqsa Storm changes equations

January 13, 2024 - 22:7
Israel is now waging a senseless war on Palestinians with no strategic objectives

Up until 2023, Israel had unleashed five major and devastating wars in West Asia. While fighting Arab countries, the regime found its military strength to be exceeding that of the Arabs who despite being oil-rich, lacked sophisticated national defense capabilities.

The regime, with the help of its appendages and stenographers, aka Western media, capitalized on these weaknesses and proceeded to draw a fantastical image of its military capabilities in the public mind. Israel was touted as having the fourth strongest military in the world, and the most powerful intelligence agencies on the planet. 

These propaganda campaigns eventually took a toll on Israel’s perception of reality as well. As the regime thought that the Palestinian cause was almost over, it was dealt a heavy blow by resistance forces in the besieged Gaza Strip, who managed to expose the real extent of Israel’s overrated military capabilities on October 7, 2023, by infiltrating the occupied territories. Hamas fighters successfully got past the infamous “iron wall”, which took three years to complete.  The barrier, worth billions of dollars, was unveiled in 2021 as a sophisticated amalgamation of a 20-foot fence, radar systems, and subterranean sensors.

However, the so-called smart fence seemed to not be able to withstand the 3,000 Hamas individuals who eventually managed to take 7 settlements under control. Also, the “fourth most powerful military in the world” took at least 48 hours to compose itself and respond to the surprise offensive and once it got to the settlements taken by Hamas it began to shoot everyone in a frenzy, including Israeli hostages.

All this, while thousands of rockets were fired at the occupied territories after the supposedly legendary “iron dome” failed to intercept them, and the most glorified spy agency in the globe, Mossad, was completely caught off guard by the Palestinian attack.

Many analysts believe that the Hamas operation dubbed Al-Aqsa Storm, was the beginning of an end for Israel. The regime suffered irreparable damage and was exposed as an overconfident occupying force, which in 2024, could be considered one of the most vulnerable entities in West Asia. Israel now wages a senseless war on Palestinians with no strategic objectives, which is sure to sink it deeper into the mud.

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